Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Progressive Web Apps (PWA) on Windows - forensics and detection of use


Progressive Web app (PWA) is just a webapp that can be installed as an app on a system and runs in a browser when you open it from desktop or other places. Links under resources have more details/specifics. 

While on twitter, I saw a tweet from mr.d0x (who does great research and runs many useful projects) about using PWA for phishing.

Essentially, the user is made to install PWA app, once they install the app, the app pops up with phishing page. Since the attacker made the app, the attacker can control what the app UI looks like. In the phishing attack, the app has phishing page with URL bar deceptively showing official MS login URL.

As someone who does blue team as a job 😢, I was thinking about how I'd go find PWA's being used in my environment. 

I'd like to start by looking at logs, such as process execution logs or file write logs, then start looking for what other artifacts are generated on disk, if logs aren't available and forensics being done. 

PWAs can be installed with multiple browsers. I will just focus on Chrome for now but research can be replicated with other browsers. 


Since I don't have PWA app of my own to mess with, I just Googled for demo apps that I can try in a lab environment and Microsoft has a dedicated page for some demo apps. 

I loaded up one of the demo apps in Anyrun and Triage. The sandboxes provide enough info to then figure out what you'd look for in logs or on disk. 



Initially, once the app is installed, the app opens up in a new window. There doesn't seem to be any specific process execution activity. 

A shortcut file is written to the Desktop for the app. 

Shortcut link opens the PWA in a very specific way, which is nice. With Chrome, chrome_proxy process is opened with --app-id and specific app id. 

That's not all, there is a secondary process spawned by Chrome_proxy. It's chrome, but with shortcut link file name and app id. 

There are also registry changes that happen around the installation process, specifically, Anyrun highlights creation of uninstallation entry. 

The uninstallation entry located at HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS\CURRENTVERSION\UNINSTALL\9A3477235286E8A16E2ECE78681F58F7 contains the following:

link to icon file - C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Web Applications\_crx_gpkmcolhnceikobakadkpfhphmboeeog\PWAmp music player.ico

uninstall string - "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --profile-directory=Default --uninstall-app-id=gpkmcolhnceikobakadkpfhphmboeeog


App display name - PWAMP MUSIC PLAYER

Install date

Publisher - GOOGLE\CHROME 

That's not all, there are more interesting registry changes that happen.

Location: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Chrome.2257410145\Application & HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Chrome.1969634003\Application have more info about the app:

Chrome also makes some folders/files for the app.

Chrome makes app info available as well.

Chrome app service internals page has even more details

Preferences file in C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data also has info about the app and the exact link. 


Process execution logs - 4688 or sysmon event id 1 should show the use of PWA apps. Execution of chrome_proxy and chrome with some of the parameters/args shown in the examples above is what I'd look for. 

File write - There are multiple file write events. Easiest things to look for is lnk file in Chrome Apps folder and creation of files in Web Applications folder in "AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default". 

You could look at .lnk file creation on Desktop by Chrome process too.

Registry changes - Sysmon has multiple events related to registry operations. Looking for uninstall entry and Chrome app creation like "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Chrome.2257410145\Application" could be interesting.

File system/registry artifacts

If you don't have logs but still have disk access to do forensics, it should be pretty easy to grab and parse registry files to find the PWA app info in locations listed above. Same goes for files and folders created during PWA app installation. 

Chrome and Windows keeps timestamp info regarding installation in the logs/registry too which can be helpful in determining timeline.

As mentioned above, Preferences file has useful info as well.

Reviewing App_* files in C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Sessions\ might be useful too. 


PWA apps are legitimately used by many orgs and hunting across the env. or doing forensics won't always lead to anything interesting. 

I haven't done too much research but as far as I know, I haven't seen threat actors abuse PWA and I'm not sure if any will start.

There are for sure more spots where artifacts of PWA use can be found (storage, logs, sqlite files, etc) that I didn't find/dive into. Also, it's possible each browser behaves differently. 


Saturday, March 23, 2024

observed in the wild - batch obfuscation technique and an interesting way to run powershell code

Saw these two things in the wild while looking at some samples.

Batch Obfuscation

Malicious batch file was found and when opened in notepad/visual studio code, the code/text was not readable. The text was in another language.

When opening the file with hex editor or doing strings, batch commands were seen clearly. When the batch file was ran in command prompt, it worked just fine. The commands seen setting variables worked correctly. Only issue was that you couldn't easily read the file with visual studio.

When reviewing the obfuscated batch file in hex editor and comparing it to normal text file, the following bytes were seen in the front: fffe0d0a before normal ascii.

Turns out this isn't brand new. There is a blog by OneConsult discussing this technique:

Blog also points to, which provides a tool.

Personally, I took the obfuscated batch file into hex editor and removed fffe0d0a from the front and opened it again in visual studio code and worked just fine.

I don't have a sample/hash I can link here right now. :-( 

Loading powershell code in a weird way

Another sample I was looking at ran powershell code with Get-Content and SubString. 

Sample is here: 

This is the interesting part:

"powershell" -windowstyle hidden "$Undgaaelsers=Get-Content 'C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Butikstidens150\heluldent\retrtens\Befingringernes\Souchie\indlsninger\Casement.Sub';$Inferably=$Undgaaelsers.SubString(55257,3);.$Inferably($Undgaaelsers)"

1. Get-Content reads powershell text file into a variable, the file just has 1 long line, which includes comments and actual powershell code.
2. SubString is used to extract iex from the variable (the powershell text file)

Loading the substring part in python:

>>> psfile[55257:55260]

3. IEX is used to run the variable (the powershell text file)

I thought it was an interesting way of doing things and this was the first time I've seen it done with Powershell.

If you're hunting, maybe look for command line containing Get-Content and SubString?

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Speeding up report reading and security/SOC alert triaging by auto-highlighting keywords on webpages


If you're a security analyst or threat researcher, you may spend a lot of time reading reports/blogs or looking through SIEM. 

It might get annoying to look for specific keywords/fields when looking through things, especially SIEM output. I know I had this issue.

I thought it'd be nice to have an extension that auto-highlighted things for me. While looking for such extension I found "Highlight This" extension. There are multiple extensions like that but this one took URL's of keywords so I thought it was perfect to pair it with Github as I may be adding/removing keywords.

Extension can be found here:

Developers sites:

The extension developer does have an optional subscription service which gives you additional abilities. (

Github repo I'm using this with is here:

You should probably make your own list based on your needs.


Download the extension and remove the default list. Activate subscription or activate free version (or try unlimited version for a limited time)

Add a new list. In my case, I'm pulling a list of keywords from Github so I can keep updating the list on Github in the future.

Add a list URL and customize all other options then start browsing!

I disabled "Only detect complete words" which can cause some bad highlighting, I'd recommend messing around and finding what works best for you.

The extension also gives you a report of the things it detected:


The DFIR Report page kinda looks like this:

Some XML sample logs

Friday, November 17, 2023

Quick sample analysis which ended up dropping asyncrat

 I came across a sample that involving traffic to

There is sandbox report here:

I only looked at it because it involved so many files.

This is very quick and lazy analysis. I didn't spend time decompiling .NET.

At the time of analysis, the page has open directory.

There is a script and .jpg file which is a zip file.

Script downloads zip and extracts it to Public folder and initially starts f1.vbs file.

Zip files has several files:

f1.vbs ends up launching f1.bat

f1.bat ends up launching powershell and f1.ps1

Powershell sets up a scheduled task to launch tron.vbs

tron.vbs launches tron.bat

tron.bat launches tron.ps1

This is where things are kinda interesting (relative to all the stuff above...)

Powershell has functions to decode/deofuscate the other files

If we look at runpe and msg file, which the script next loads, it's pretty easy to see partial MZ header

Next it loads text from files for execution

It would finally run this:

$Coment is runpe.txt data and $JR is msg.txt data.

$u = [Reflection.Assembly]

$u::Load($Coment).GetType(NewPE2.PE).GetMethod(Execute).Invoke($null,[object[]] (C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\aspnet_compiler.exe,$null,$JR,$true)) 

I saved the PE files after they were decoded/deobfuscated. 

msg was asyncrat

runpe was injector

So many files and so much execution just to drop asyncrat.

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Using command line redirection and DLL ordinals to potentially bypass detections

I came across this during a pentest. The techniques mentioned here are not new and there are already some detections in place but I don't see these techniques being used regularly...

Command redirection

The concept of redirection for command line is well known and is commonly used. (This should provide more info:

For example, you can do `COMMAND > output.txt` to save output from a command.

There is also `<` where you can pass input from a file to an interactive binary or executable.

Additionally, you can also do | to pass input to a binary. 

Here are examples:

The redirection technique using < is what I observed during an alert from a pentest.

Essentially, the attacker added their commands for ntds dump to a text file then passed the text file to ntdsutil.exe using <. so `ntdsutil < filewithcommands.txt`

Usually, this is what you may see: ntdsutil.exe 'ac i ntds' 'ifm' 'create full c:\temp' q q 

If your detections are looking specifically for command w/ "ac i ntds" and "create full" and the attacker uses the redirection technique, you may miss a detection.

There are sigma rules here that would and wouldn't miss this:

I just thought it was interesting for the attacker to write commands to text file and dump ntds.dit this way since I've never seen it being done like that.

Rundll32 w/ ordinals

This once again is not new. If you've done malware analysis, you've probably seen dll functions being called by the ordinal #. 

Essentially, you can call a function by ordinal instead of the function name.

These articles should explain the concept better:

Here's an example:

instead of using LaunchApplication, I can use #1 as that's the ordinal.

The way this technique was abused during pentest was for lsass dump. The attacker used rundll32 w/ C:\windows\System32\comsvcs.dll to dump lsass.

Typical command you'll see for this is ".\rundll32.exe C:\windows\System32\comsvcs.dll, MiniDump 624 C:\temp\lsass.dmp full"

If we go look at comsvcs.dll and for MiniDump, we'll see MiniDumpW at 18 (hex -> decimal would be 24)

Instead of writing MiniDump with comsvcs.dll in rundll32, the attacker replaced it with #24. If you're looking specifically for comsvcs and minidump, the rule would miss this. Again, this was the first time I've seen someone do lsass dump this specific way.

There are some rules here that would and wouldn't detection this technique:

Just wrote this to share and to keep this in mind when looking at alerts, hunting, or writing detections. 

This assumes you only have 4688/command line logs. I'm aware that there are other ways to detect this activity but 🧂 sometimes you're lucky to even have 4688. 🧂 (yeah I work for a managed security provider)

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Installing Whonix Gateway on Proxmox for threat & malware research


Whonix is a tool for routing traffic through Tor.  Whonix VM's come as Desktop/with UI or CLI. They provide two types of VM's, one is gateway and one is workstation. Whonix gateway can be used to route traffic through tor when you attach other VM's to it. 

In this post, I'm just setting up Whonix Gateway CLI so I can route my VMs through tor while I'm reaching malware or threats. 

This set up may not always be ideal for research as some C2's, phishing kits, and OSINT research sites may block tor exit nodes.

Warning: This method isn't officially supported by Whonix and I can't guarantee this is 100% safe and won't leak anything or won't allow an attacker to escape the whonix network or fingerprint you. Do your threat modeling and risk assessment for what you're planning to research or allow to execute in VM's. Follow official Whonix guidelines if you don't know what you're doing or don't feel comfortable doing this.

Proxmox Network Preparation

We need to create a new Linux Bridge/virtual network for Whonix so VM's can communicate with Whonix Gateway.

In proxmox host network settings, add a new Linux Bridge

Click "Apply Configuration" at the top to finish creating the bridge.

fyi: you may see vmbr1 if you don't have another bridge set up already.

Creating a VM

We need to create a VM to run to run Whonix Gateway in. We'll create the VM first then import the Whonix Gateway VMDK into it.

Pick a name

Click Do not use any media
Delete the disk, we'll import a disk later

CPU & Memory can be left at default values, however, I'm lowering my memory to 1024.
Network can be left as default vmbr0. We'll add 2nd interface later.

Once the VM is created, go to VM Hardware and add Network Device.

Pick and add Whonix bridge

That's all.

Loading the Whonix Gateway disk

Download Whonix CLI OVA file from here:

SCP the file to Proxmox.

Use tar to extract the OVA file, which will give you VMDK files.

Use qm import command to import the disk to your VM

The whonix-gateway-cli VM I created earlier has the id of 100. My storage is local-lvm (it's default proxmox storage). 

Once the Importing is done and you get the message of successful import, run qm rescan.

Feel free to remove the extracted files and ova file.

Modifying the Whonix Gateway VM again

Now we need to enable the disk and change our boot settings.

Go to Whonix-gateway-cli VM and Hardware tab and double click on "Unused disk 0" then click Add

Go to Options, double-click Boot Order and modify it to boot from scisi0/the disk we just loaded.

Configuring networking inside whonix-gateway-cli VM

Make sure to remember the MAC addresses for net0 and net1 listed in hardware tab.

Essentially, we want to make sure that net1/vmbr2/whonix network has IP.

net0/vmbr0/normal network needs to be configured w/ static IP.

Start the VM and go to the console.

Login with user/changeme then go through all the set up steps.

When the machine is trying to connect to tor, press control+c to cancel the script and get a shell.

Edit the network configuration

Change the default eth0 configuration to configuration that matches your network. Since Proxmox VM isn't behind NAT, it should be matching the network your proxmox machine is on.

This is default:

This is what I changed the configuration to:

Reboot the VM.

Login and run "ip a" command to ensure that Whonix network has IP and eth0 has an actual IP for your normal network. Check the MAC address to make sure it matches the hardware you have attached.

Run "sudo systemcheck" to make sure you're connected to tor.

Check your IP and make sure it's not your IP.

Reboot the VM.

Attaching a VM or Container

I'm attaching a container to the whonix network but you pretty much do the same with VM but static IP assignment needs to be done inside the VM rather than proxmox webui. Check whonix docs and links below.

I have created an Ubuntu container with the following network settings

Check IP


Have fun researching threats & malware!
